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2009 Meetup Schedule - New Time and Topic List

From: Kerry M.
Sent on: Sunday, November 23, 2008, 9:15 PM
Hello everybody,

It's time to start thinking about our 2009 meetup schedule! Beginning in January, meetups will move to a new day and time. I'm posting the new dates as well as the proposed topic schedule below. If there are any topics that you don't see covered that you'd like to see covered (or any that you think should be removed), feel free to either respond below or email me directly.

New Meetup Schedule, beginning January 2009: 2nd Saturday of the month from 4-5:30pm

Proposed Topics
January 10: Prenatal Self-Care & Selecting a Provider - incl nutrition, exercise, bodywork
February 14: Waterbirth and Apartment Birth - how to prepare your home for birth
March 14: Social get-together, sharing of birth stories, activism update

April 11: Partners and Support People at Birth - the role of a doula in a homebirth
May 9: Preparing for after the birth and the early postpartum period
June 13: Social get-together, sharing of birth stories, activism update

July 11: Giving Birth again - siblings and homebirth, addressing past birth experiences
August 8: Breastfeeding and Slings - extended breastfeeding and tandem nursing
September 12: Social get-together, sharing of birth stories, activism update

October 10: What you should know in case of hospital transport
November 14: Well-baby care, Choosing a pediatrician, and Vaccinations
December 12: Social get-together, sharing of birth stories, activism update

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I look forward to seeing you at the December meetup or in the New Year!


Kerry Maiorca
Bloom Yoga Studio

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