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REMINDER: Seattle Luxury CHOCOLATE SALON on July 11 | BASTILLE Day Weekend

From: Gina - Seattle R.
Sent on: Thursday, July 8, 2010, 4:23 PM

What is more French than Your Love of Great Chocolate?
Celebrating Bastille Day weekend, or just your love of great artisan food? Go to the waterfront and experience the best chocolate in the Northwest.

TV Alert: Watch Chocolopolis and Carters Chocolates on KCPQ Channel 13, Friday at 9:15am, as they talk about the upcoming 2010 3rd Annual SEATTLE LUXURY CHOCOLATE SALON on Sunday, July 11th

See the video review now on YouTube of the 2009 event.

The Salon is set at the beautiful Seattle waterfront, and continues its tradition as the premier chocolate event in the Northwest this millenium.

"Seattle's large variety and selection of artisan chocolate make it a natural destination for chocolate lovers from around the world," notes Lauren Adler of Seattle-based Chocolopolis. "We're looking forward to another great event," adds the Seattle Chocolate Salon's 2009 Best Truffle Winner Dennis Haupt, of Suess Chocolates.
Seattle CHOCOLATE SALON participants include over 24 chocolatiers, confectioners, wineries and other culinary artisans, including Amano Artisan Chocolate, Theo Chocolate, Forte Chocolates, Intrigue Chocolates, Posh Chocolat, Chocolopolis, Carters Chocolates, Divine Chocolate, La Chatelaine Chocolat Co., Jade Chocolates, Alter Eco Fair Trade Chocolate, Sweet Decadence, The Madison Chocolatiers West, Redrim Chocolates, Taza Chocolate, Dove Chocolate Discoveries, George Paul Chocolates, Kathryn Taylor Chocolates, Eat Chocolates, Goat Milk Candy Company, See's Candies, Suess Chocolates, Missionary Chocolates, Quady Winery, Honest Tea, Yelp, TasteTV and more.

The Seattle Luxury Chocolate Salon spotlights the excitement and delicious artisanal qualities of modern chocolatiers. Much of this is because of their constant focus on what goes into the products. "We have found the secret to success in artisan chocolate is simply focusing on fresh & natural ingredients, using beaucoup passion!" agree Grochowski, Wlady & Shannon of Montana's La Chatelaine Chocolat. Comments Renee Rohrbach and Chef Ricky Sanders of The Madison Chocolatiers West, "We are looking forward to lighting up all five of your senses with our unique and exemplary flavor profiles." Matt Carter, of Carter's Chocolates, says for this reason, "We're thrilled to be counted among the many incredible artisan chocolatiers in Seattle!"

The Seattle Luxury CHOCOLATE SALON is Sunday, July 11th, 2010, at the Bell Harbor International Conference Center, 2211 Alaskan Way, Pier 66. 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Advance Tickets are $20 for Adults, and $25 at the Door.

For Advance Ticket purchases, Salon information, updated chocolatiers and other exhibitors, or for the Menu of events, go to


Never been to a TasteTV Chocolate Salon?
See photos from the past Seattle Luxury Chocolate Salons on Flickr See a TasteTV video of the 2009 Seattle Chocolate Salon and the San Francisco International Chocolate Salon See an NBC video of the 2009 San Francisco International Chocolate Salon

About TasteTV

Salon sponsor TasteTV is a leading New Media food, wine and lifestyle network, covering delicious topics ranging from restaurants, food, and wine to chocolate, cooking, fashion, and style. Its videos can be seen online at,,, on, Comcast On Demand, and on over 100 television stations nationwide.

TasteTV books include "The Cafes of San Francisco," "The Chocolate Guide," "Sexy Dishes," "Chocolate French," "The Dog's Guide to Surfing" and more.
TasteTV & Chocolate Television

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