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Re: [webdesign-396] New Event: Plan our website Stage 3

From: Dana
Sent on: Monday, October 29, 2007, 8:26 PM
On 10/29/07, Chris Hattery <[address removed]> wrote:
> Along the lines of what Bridget said, I too, heard it as a joke, and felt we
> would not become famous at our task of 'do-goodedness of awaring
> Clevelanders that their websites suck'.  (Grammars off).  I was having a
> good time laughing about it though.  Running from the fires and behold, a
> group of nerds standing near by with a sense of 'We can fix this, and make
> it better.'  After all, wouldn't fires actually burn the impurities out of
> water?  I really don't know.
That was pretty much how I took it, too.  It was a great joke and got
everyone laughing, but I didn't think it was a serious suggestion for
the site.

> I'm also getting the feeling that I'm missing out on something big by not
> living in or around Cleveland.  I've visited there often and enjoy the parts
> I've been to.  The only thing keeping me from their is the weather.  Lake
> effect snow and cold does not sound that great to me.
You know, you aren't the only one who doesn't live in Cleveland.
Actually, if I remember correctly, there aren't actually that many of
us who do live in Cleveland.  However, I'll be selling my house soon,
so if anyone wants to move here ;)

> Oddly enough, a few months back, well, like around March, I was involved in
> a project for technology in urban culture.  A picture I produced for it
> shows a group of geekz standing with cityscape to the back.  Maybe this
> could be used for something.... I don't really care if it is or not.  Just
> making myself involved.
> https://busson.ser...­
> https://busson.ser...­

I thought those were pretty cool.  I liked them!


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