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Re: [webdesign-396] Part-time job opportunity - Anand

From: user 8.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 9:24 AM

Hello All!

Jay Levan here.
I have not been active in the group for a long time.
Mostly because I'm not a code/CSS/standards guy at all.
I am much more of a designer/graphics guy.

Some people have told me that Dreamweaver does not
implement CSS correctly and so I should not use it for CSS.
But, it's what I know...
I've used Photoshop and Dreamweaver to design many
websites over the last 7 years. I own 50+ domains and have
designed nice sites for myself and for several clients.

I've wanted to learn CSS and how to implement better standards
but whenever I watch a tutorial or look at a book I get lost in all
the tech and lose interest before I get very far.

So, if you're interested in a collaboration I'm very interested.
This project might be a good place for it.
I'm thinking that if I can help design a site and at the same
time someone else is going to implement the back end, CSS, etc.
I might be able to observe the process and thereby learn.
A few sites I've designed:
And I photographed all the jewelry, - still needs work. - client wanted very specific design, very low budget too - roll your mouse over the thumbnail photos.

Free design many years ago for friend (NO longer a friend) they have a new site, this one is archived on my site -

I'd love to learn how to design better sites on the back end.
Meanwhile I'm happy to trade CSS tutoring for
graphics/Photoshop/Lightroom/Photography work.

I'm in Cleveland Heights.
Any thoughts?

[address removed]

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