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Sunday Formal Meditation Sitting - May 23rd at 9:30 am

From: Clear Water Zen C.
Sent on: Friday, April 21, 2017, 6:26 PM


We will be sitting on Sunday starting at 9:30 am. As it is the 4^th Sunday of the month, we will have our Open Dharma Talk during the second round of zazen. Ken will be reading from The Three Pillars of Zen, page 47 in the 1980 Anchor Books edition. Thesection is Yasutani’s Introductory Lectures and the sentence begins with the words: “The third type of Zen….” As always it is hoped that the readings will inspire a conversation that is open to all present.

If anyone would like to meet with Ken in Daisan during the 1st or 3rd round of zazen send him an email, at [address removed], or let him know before we start to sit on Sunday. We hope to see you there.

Be well!

Clear Water Zen Center


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