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November Organizer Connect

From: Tadas
Sent on: Wednesday, November 7, 2007, 9:03 AM
Hello Organizer Friends!

Are you up for a cup of tea with your group? I know I lot of you could use some guidance and a lot of you can also render it to your fellow organizer. Let's pull our experience and resources together to support each other along the way and also better our own groups through newly acquired insight.

If you feel you already have a great Meetup and there is not much to improve, please consider that your fellow organizers would love to hear from you about your successes. This group is also your group and we should make the best of it.

Let us get together at Panera Bread in Cupertino (sandwich, pastry, coffee shop) to share and learn some new ways to energize our Meetup groups and bring value to the community that we are building.

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