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What we love doing now deserves our full-time engagement...

From: Max L.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 22, 2012, 10:40 PM

Dear friends,

There was a time when we could easily get a job and completely forget who we really were and what we came here to do in life...

There was a time when we thought that doing what we didn’t like, often identified as “job”, was the only way to provide us with the means to do what we loved to do. 

It was as if in our society what we didn’t like to do had value, while what we “loved” to do didn’t. Our job seemed to be more “reliable” than our passion

Now things have changed, what we are passionate about is self-sufficient and can provide everything, including the means to stay on that path and even more.. Therefore what we love doing now deserves our full-time engagement, as pursuing what is meaningful to us and sharing it with others is the greatest gift we can offer the world. This merits the highest rewards.

Our next event:


Wednesday March 7th, 7.30pm Gran Canal Hotel ( Cont: 15€ at the door)

For more information or to change your RSVP visit, CLICK HERE!

Love & Light

Max Leone and The Conscious Living Dublin Team (CLD)

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