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Something important to remember...

From: Max L.
Sent on: Thursday, April 30, 2015, 8:21 AM


Freedom is not about acting randomly on the base of the feelings of the moment. Real freedom lies in the ability to discern the impulses for action that come from what you are, from those that come from what you are not. And then to choose Consciously... ~ Max Leone


Dear friends,

Just a quick note to say thank you for helping us create such an amazing evening last Monday!

We also take the opportunity to remind you of our next event with Aikido master and CEC founder Michael Wolf, who is coming all the way from Scotland to teach us how to remove any life time block or issue by simply shifting our consciousness.

In fact Michael will start by first helping you experience what it feels like to be in Separation Consciousness, and then in Unified Consciousness. So that you will be able to experience the difference in how you respond to similar situations in each state of consciousness.

He will then guide you to a place where change and transformation happen at the speed of light...So that you are free to decide what to let go and what to let in, in your life...

This will be an experiential evening with practical demonstrations where you will also learn a powerful and yet simple technique to release any energy block - permanently...


For more information or to RSVP "Yes" to this event, CLICK HERE!

CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION COACHING™: Change At The Speed of Light - With Michael WOLFF


We hope to see you all there in two weeks!!

Love & light

Massimiliano Leone and the CLD Team



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