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Message boards will no longer be available after July 18, 2024.

We recommend saving any important information beforehand. Going forward, you can stay connected with your groups using the Discussions feature (we'll be rolling out some exciting updates soon)!

Learn more about the upcoming changes in this article;

This is what being of service really is about...

From: Max L.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 5, 2015, 1:33 PM


Dear friends,

Here is my thought for the week for you to ponder - and maybe to go out and live it, if it resonates with you...


The greatest thing you can ever do for another, is to simply remind them of who they are…
As individuals, as souls, and as parts of the infinite intelligence from which they emerged…

Because once they know what they are part of, they also know that the same infinite creative power that is in it, it's in them…
And in that moment, whatever they are going through vanishes in comparison...

And how do you do that? How do you remind somebody of who they are? 
You do so by simply being as authentic as you can be with them
Because authenticity always leads to truth. In yourself as well as in others…

And if that doesn't happen, it means that it’s their choice. And that’s fine too.

Be OK with it…

Massimiliano Leone (Conscious living founder & Organizer)


Our upcoming events...


(In a week from now!!)

CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION COACHING™: Change At The Speed of Light - With Michael WOLFF

For more information or to RSVP "Yes" to this event, CLICK HERE!

"In this fascinating presentation, founder of Conscious Evolution Coaching Michael Wolff will demonstrate how easy it can be to let go life time blocks and experience joy, harmony and Clarity of purpose, by simply shifting our state of consciousness.

Michael will first help you feel what it is like to be in Separation Consciousness, and then to be in Unified Consciousness to experience the difference in how we respond to similar stress situations in either state of consciousness.

It is therefore also a great opportunity for you to experience what is feels like to be in unity consciousness (if you allow yourself to to be guided to that place), which is a state of awareness where you are one with everything that surrounds you...



(In 3 weeks from now)

THINKING INTO RESULT - With Bob PROCTOR certified Instructor Eoin CORBETT

"Decide right now to astound yourself, with who you can become, what you can do and what you can have. Start Thinking into Results and start moving from where you are in life to where you really want to be."

Eoin had the privilege of studying and working with BOB PROCTOR, one of the key figures in the movie “The Secret”. He has been trained and certified directly by him to teach his super successful THINKING INTO RESULT programme.

For more information, or to RSVP "Yes" to this event, CLICK HERE!


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