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The primary cause of unhappiness is not dissatisfaction. It is...

From: Max L.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 30, 2016, 12:04 PM
Dear friend,

This is my thought for the week. For you to ponder and to live it, if it resonates with you...

The primary cause of unhappiness is not dissatisfaction. It is the desire of being happier when we are already happy...which propels us to leave a satisfactory condition for even greater levels of satisfaction, and which often causes us to lose the happiness that genuinely arose from that scenario we left...

It is similar to what happens to some people in social gatherings.
They are maybe sipping a glass of wine. Then they start to feel a bit tipsy and to enjoy even more the conversations because of that. 
And then instead of staying at that level that is working magically, they think "well, if I drink more, I will enjoy this even more!"

And so they keep drinking, and drinking, and drinking until they get sick. Up to the point when they are not even capable of basic interactions (and sometimes the same people who were enjoying their company, politely walk away).

It is important to remember that sometimes less, is more.
Because too much it's never enough...

Max Leone 

(Conscious Living Founder & Organiser)

If you resonate with this idea and the concepts I share in my weekly emails, you are more than welcome to join me for my annual speech on Tuesday, April 12 at 7.30 pm the Lanter 

For more information or to change your RSVP, CLICK HERE!
When you finally let go of everything that you are not, you discover that all that is left of you 
is made of what you were seeking...(Happiness, Love, Joy...) ~ Max Leone

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