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The ultimate key to freedom...

From: Max L.
Sent on: Monday, April 4, 2016, 7:36 PM

Dear friend,

This is my thought for the week. For you to ponder and to live it, if it resonates with you...

The bad news is that sacrifice is required to accomplish anything meaningful, to advance in life.
The good news is that all you need to sacrifice is who you are not.

Sounds easy doesn't it? And yet what makes it seem difficult is that who you are not, feels like who you are...until you finally find the courage to let it go, in a moment of clarity.

But once you've done that, you are free. Free to be who you really are...

Max Leone (Conscious Living Founder & Organiser)

Next week during my speech, I'll make it clear for you how to discern the impulses that originate from who you are, from those who come from who you are not (especially when both of them feel juicy...).

If you want to join mevisit:


When you finally let go of everything that you are not, you discover that all that is left of you is made of what you were seeking...(Happiness, Joy, Love...) Max Leone

For more information, or to RSVP "YES" for this event, CLICK HERE


Our next event, tomorrow, Wednesday, April 4th, at 7.30pm (The Lantern Center):

CONSCIOUS AGING: To Experience Life to The Fullest at All Ages!

This event is designed for mature people as well as for people in their 30s and 40s. Because moving past the misconceptions about aging, not only improves your life at a later stage, but it also effects the quality of the choices that you make when you are still young.

In fact, wouldn't you agree that you'd live your youth in a much more joyful way if you completely let go of the fear that surrounds aging

Of course yes! Especially if you started looking at it as an exciting stage of our life...:-).

To RSVP "YES" to this event, CLICK HERE!

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