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Re: [corgi-102] Corgi for adoptions....FRANCES: Corgi pup with possible spinal stenosis (vet records below)

From: Laurie O.
Sent on: Friday, February 26, 2016, 3:19 PM
Hi Beverly!

Ellen is going to contact you.  She is in charge of the foster / adoption program.  And we will work on getting Frances a cart so she can be mobile! 

Thank you so much for your interest in Frances!


On Feb 26, 2016, at 3:03 PM, beverly santarelli <[address removed]> wrote:

Great can we set up a meeting soon I have some more ?, all so where are u located ty bev
-----Original Message-----
From: Laurie Ovesen <[address removed]>
To: corgi-102 <[address removed]>
Sent: Fri, Feb 26,[masked]:50 pm
Subject: Re: [corgi-102] Corgi for adoptions....FRANCES: Corgi pup with possible spinal stenosis (vet records below)


On Feb 26, 2016, at 2:38 PM, beverly santarelli <[address removed]> wrote:

Does frances still need a home, I work at home so I am home all of the time, I all so have a 11yr old male corgi,
-----Original Message-----
From: Laurie Ovesen <[address removed]>
To: corgi-102 <[address removed]>
Sent: Fri, Feb 26,[masked]:03 pm
Subject: [corgi-102] Corgi for adoptions....FRANCES: Corgi pup with possible spinal stenosis (vet records below)

Adorable corgi puppy (partly paralyzed) needs a loving home...please call me at the Cedar River Dog Farm [masked]) if you are willing to care for Frances.  CRDF is raising funds for a wheelchair"

Kate & Laurie 

Update on FRANCES:
  • Vet summary below
  • Diana has given Cami, the owner, Dr. Preston's info.
  • Dr. Preston said this is commonly a diagnosis for large dogs, she believes there may be a way to help the dog.
  • Kate  (from Cedar River Dog Farm - fosters for us) has an aunt who is a huge Corgi lover.  She is interested in doing a fund raiser for the equipment that will help Frances be mobile.  She has many Corgi contacts.
  • Owners were going to look into vet care support from the file I sent them.
  • However, they are not home to change Frances' diaper and she is commonly in the garage 
Message Body:
We have a wonderful puppy who is 7 months old. Her spirit and heart are loving. She potentially has spinal stenosis. She loses control of her bowels and she is losing control of her back legs. My husband and I both work and have three boys who love her dearly but we don't have a home equipped for wheelchair dogs and we can't be home to help her change a diaper during the day. We hope you can help us.

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