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Quarterly Tourney tomo and POD April 15

From: Ross G.
Sent on: Friday, April 6, 2018, 5:44 PM

Just a reminder our QII is tomorrow.  I'll be there around[masked] to get set up, reg starts at 11a and tourney will begin by 12p the latest.  Any probs just give me a ring[masked].

Also, Antionette just announce the next POD in NY, here is the info:

BG Enthusiasts. We are a week away from Sunday, April 15th. Please let me know asap to save your spot of only 16 players in either Open or Intermediate Division. Here are the details for our Pre-Tax Day Warm-Up: PAIR-O-DICE & THE ST. NICHOLAS CHESS & BACKGAMMON CLUB Present A PRE-TAX DAY WARM-UP !! WHEN: Sunday, April 15th, 2018WHERE: 91 Edgecombe Avenue @ West 139th Street, New York, NY 10030TIME: 12:30pm Registration; 1:15pm SHARP Start. If late, there will be penalty points added. The Tournament will end approximately at 8pm. ENTRY FEES: Bracket A Open matches will be 9/7 points: buy-in $175 entry + $25 regis.  This format structure pays: 50% winner, 25% Runner-up and 25% for consolation winner. Also a $50 side-pool (100% return). Bracket B Intermediate (no Open players) matches will be 7/5 points: buy-in $80 entry + $20 registration. This format is a 50% winner, 25% Runner-up and 25% for consolation winner. Also a $30 side-pool (100% return). REGISTRATION: Limited to 16 Open and 16 Intermediate players. You MUST email asap including your cell # to reserve a place. USBGF rules (available) will apply EXCEPT: Premature rolls MUST be rolled over and not player option; dice on checkers will not be used Regulation size boards, precision dice and lipped cups will be provided. Space is limited do not bring your set. Food, coffee and beverages will be on sale. Antoinette[masked] (C)

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