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From: Ross G.
Sent on: Friday, May 4, 2018, 12:53 PM

Hi Gang,

ATLANTA: just got back from Atlanta this week and we had a great time.  We hung out with some great players like "Cool Ray" Fogerlund, Roberto Litzenberger and our dear friend Marcy Kossar.  We went for a good walk every morning, found some good Thai and Indian food and saw some really interesting boards that people had.  There was some tough competition, LOTS of doubles that knocked most players out of the main so quickly that we did 4 rounds in the Last Chance Sat.  But I swept the bracket and was able to win the Last Chance in the Advanced division.  And the last game ended in 5-7 min by holding a 4 cube and Backgammoning my opponent.  I was ON!!!  YAY ME!

CINCO DE MAYO: Sat we will be at Uncle Bucks in Bridgeport for our monthly.  I figure we can all chip in $10 or so for some Margaritas and Nachos.  I'll kick off the first order before we start playing which will be 12p, so please get there by 1130a.

D.C.: Next week we are heading to VA for the Cherry Blossom Tournament.  If anyone is planning on going please email me so we can coordinate ride and room shares.  Should be a good show with lot's of Giants there.

Ok, that's it for now.  If you want to hear more just come on down to Bridgeport tomorrow.

And remember, if you need any BG equipment, from dice to boards and more, please visit the CBC's new official sponsor:


Ross D Gordon
[address removed]

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