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Re: [nycruby] [JOB] Rails Developer in Greenwich, CT but for a measly 125/hour (skip it)

From: Dave N.
Sent on: Saturday, April 26, 2014, 8:11 AM


On Apr 25,[masked]:24 PM, "Justin Wright" <[address removed]> wrote:
I have a Greenwich, CT client looking for a Ruby on Rails Developer for a 1-year contract engagement with a 99.99% chance of extension. You could do this job one-handed in a club (think Pacha or Marquee) standing right in front of the speaker while scantily-clad go-go girls provocatively gyrate to house music in an enclosed multi colored shower/cage-like room. The job pays to $125 per hour, but they can swing a few extra dollars for the strippers. Master jedi, super ninja, Chuck Norris coding skills required.  

Local candidates preferred, but applicants interested in relocating considered too. While the client would prefer a 100% on-site employee, a day or two working from home would be allowed once they know you're the king or queen of honesty, killer skills and the strongest work ethic ever. US Citizens or Green Card holders only please. Full job/client details shared with qualified applicants.
* 5+ years of general web development experience and at least 3+ years of Ruby on Rails experience required
* Excellent understanding of the MVC architecture and OOP design and principles
* Strong background in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Comfortable with SQL
* Experience with bug tracking and version control software
* Comfortable working in a team environment
Shops will not be considered unless you can spare one of your rock stars for the duration.
If you are interested in this super easy job, please submit your resume and monetary needs to [address removed]
Thank you,
Justin Wright, I.T. Recruiter
Capital Markets Placement, Inc.
33 West 26th Street
New York, NY 10010
Direct: [masked]
[address removed]
[address removed]

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