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From: Raquel H.
Sent on: Monday, March 2, 2015, 12:18 PM
Hello rubyists,

I just wanted to let you know that the CFP for New York's Regional Ruby Conference GORUCO is open! Don’t forget submit your talks!


 GORUCO, a one-day, single-track event in New York City, is now accepting talk proposals! GORUCO will be held on Saturday, June 20th, 2015 in the Altman building in the Flatiron District of Manhattan.

Submissions are due by Tuesday, March 24th @ 11:59pm EDT.

Topics: If You're Interested, We're Interested

We’re interested in talks on Ruby, but as the NYC Ruby community has grown and matured, our mission has expanded to include anything of interest to the modern development community.

Accepted topics from last year included Raspberry Pi, CS theory, Community development, JS MVC frameworks, Human memory hacks, and even COBOL. We'd love to see proposals on Golang, Clojure, DevOps, Docker, or whatever else is on your mind.

Talk Formats and Constraints

This year we will again be accepting two talk formats:

* 30 minute full-length talk (plus Q&A)
* 10 minute micro-talk.

All speakers will receive free attendance to the event. In addition those speakers selected for a full-length talk will receive:

 * A $300 honorarium.
 * A $600 travel reimbursement if you live outside of the tri-state region.

All proposals must specify exactly who will be presenting. For example, we will not accept proposals from companies unless they specify who will be presenting on behalf of the company. Presentations may be given by more than one person, but multiple speakers will split the honorarium and travel reimbursement.

Local Speaker Slots

GORUCO believes in highlighting local talent. We reserve at least two slots for local speakers. Individual talks and panels will be considered local if at least half of the participants are from the tri-state region - that is, within typical commuting distance of Manhattan. In the past, these slots have been less competitive than the other talk slots, so if you live in the tri-state region we strongly urge you to submit a proposal.

How to Submit

Please submit as many proposals as you'd like through this form:

Once the CFP is closed, we'll let everyone know if they've been accepted or not.

Video Archives

We will be recording all the talks and making the videos freely available online. If your talk is accepted, you'll be asked to sign a consent form.

Code of Conduct

In order to ensure that GORUCO is a welcoming and safe conference, all attendees and speakers are expected to abide by our Code of Conduct:

Please make sure that your talk proposal and materials respect this.

If you have any questions, please email [address removed].

Please submit all proposals by 11:59:59 PM EDT on Tuesday, March 24th, 2015.

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