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GORUCO 2016 Speakers and Tickets Announced

From: Luke M.
Sent on: Thursday, April 21, 2016, 10:33 PM
Greetings fellow NYC Rubyists,

I'm excited to invite you to GORUCO -- the northeast’s largest regional Ruby conference, happening on Saturday, June 25. For the past 10 years, GORUCO has been organized by Ruby developers (just like me and you) who volunteer within the community to bring people together to share and learn in exciting technical sessions. On behalf of all the organizers, we’d love to have you join us at the conference in Cheslea and the after-party on the boat.

We have a great speaker line-up:
GORUCO tickets are on sale NOW::

Tickets sold out last year in 2 weeks, so if you plan to attend, don't procrastinate.

Luke Melia
GORUCO Organizer & Past Speaker

P.S. If you identify as a minority in the Ruby/Rails community and your employer isn't buying your ticket, please enter DIVERSITY as your discount code. It is 75% of the regular ticket price as our attempt to recognize the gender wage gap in the US as of 2011.

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