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Melissa's New Course, Special Offer ends tonight

From: Melissa Carroll W.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 11, 2016, 3:30 PM

Hi all!

Looking forward to seeing a bunch of you at tonight's meetup!

The following is a shameless plug.

My new course, Build Advanced Rails Apps, is open for enrollment!
It is a 1-on-1, Mentor-Led Course for Building and Launching an Advanced Ruby on Rails App In a True-To-Life Client Simulation.

This course includes:

  1. The full “Build Advanced Rails Apps” course (All 7 modules, and 6 projects!)
  2. 1-on-1, Private Mentorship
  3. Private Alumni Slack Channel
  4. Ruby on Rails Job Leads Emailed to You Every Week!
  5. Unlimited Email Consulting with me for 6 months
  6. Access to Live Office Hours & Workshops
  7. Student Community Forum
  8. Lifetime Access to All Future Course Updates
  9. All Course Slide Presentations Downloadable

Learn more about Build Advanced Rails Apps here.

At 11 p.m. EDT tonight the price for the monthly plans will be going up!

If you have any questions about the course or whether this is the right investment for you, simply contact me at [address removed].

I’ll do my best to personally answer all of your questions!

Now back to your regularly scheduled meetup.



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