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New Meetup: Pot Luck Turkey Dinner

From: Steve O.
Sent on: Friday, November 7, 2008, 11:37 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Dance & Activities Meetup NH!

What: Pot Luck Turkey Dinner

When: November 27,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Pot Luck Turkey Dinner
Thursday, Nov. 27th.
All day or anytime
from 11 am to 12 pm.
38 Turkey Hill rd.
Merrimack NH. 03054

Please join Steve O. and friends. Come for the day, or just drop in for some good food, drink and conversation. Steve will have the turkey dinner and more ready ready at 1 pm.. So, stop by, say hello and meet some new and old friends. Maybe even hang out for a wile.The pinball machine will be hooked up and, if the weather is good? Maybe we can go for a hike or play some Whimp Volleyball. You can bring a chair, your own drinks, and what every you wish to share. This is an all day Event. Steve O. has just moved to his new home, and is in the middle of remodeling it, It is not really ready as yet. But, it will work for our needs. Plus, this is the second Event, Steve has done in his new home. So, Come on over and see where some our up coming Events will be held, parties, dinners and more. Parking maybe a problem. Turkey Hill rd. is a narrow road, and traffic moves fast. So, please park only park on one side of the street and in the correct direction. Plus bring flash light so the cars don't run you down in the dark.
Steve will need some volunteers to help before, during and after. The last time he did this, Linda S. came in and made the day work well for all. Thanks again Linda.

For more info. contact Steve O. [masked] [address removed]

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