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New Meetup: Disco Dancing Partytime!!!

From: Susan J T.
Sent on: Thursday, February 25, 2010, 6:00 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Dance & Activities Meetup NH!

What: Disco Dancing Partytime!!!

When: Friday, March 26,[masked]:00 PM

Tewksbury Country Club
1880 Main Street
Tewksbury, MA 01876

When is the last time you danced disco under a glittering disco ball? Been a while, huh? Then join us at
the Tewksbury Country Club, Main Street, Tewksbury, MA for an evening of disco dancing, fun and laughs.... some of you might even want to get out your bell-bottoms and John Travolta shirt!!
for more info go to Admission is $10.00

thanks for organizing this Deb. this sounds like a ball, a disco ball of course wink
I called the Country Club and I'm paying for 2 tables of 10 upfront. those of you that would like a ticket, please mail me a check TOMORROW for payment of your, maybe we'll have 5 or 6 tables, by the time it comes.
My name...
Susan Tisbert
PO BOX 793
Pelham, NH 03070
I will keep you up to date on the status, and numbers, when I run to my PO Box, for the $11 checks from my friends, who want to disco down with me, and Deb, on March 26th (that's right $1 handling charge, pays for my ticket and maybe even a couple drinks for me, so get over it. I better get a DD, uh oh :). This will sell out, and if you mail your payment too late, you may not get a ticket. So late payers, please include a telephone # and a return address, in case I need to mail your check back.
I better brush up on my disco moves :)

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