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Dance Friday is moving

From: Mitch
Sent on: Thursday, July 19, 2012, 2:48 PM

Dance Friday is dancing – and moving!

Our last dance in the beautiful Brookline Tai Chi Center will be August 3rd. Make sure to join us in our farewell to that home, while looking forward to our next home.

On August 24th, we will be in our new home, the First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church of Cambridge. The Barn Room on the 2nd floor will be energized by our dancing feet, every Friday.

The dance begins with warm-up at 8:30, then at 8:45 to 9:45 is 1st set, Middle is 9:45-10, 10-11 is 2nd set, and 11-midnight is the 3rd set.  Setup will begin at 8:00, and takedown will end at 12:30.

The address is 3 Church St., in Harvard Square, at the corner of Church St and Mass Ave - go just a little bit down Church St to find the entrance . (Note: This is not the same space as Dance Freedom!)

We look forward to a delightful relationship with our new landlords. We look forward to so much in our new home. We will miss the Tai Chi Center, and we wish them well in their new home, too.

Please note that Dance Freedom will continue to have its Wednesday dances in its current location at the First Congregational Church, Mason and Garden Streets, Cambridge, MA 02138. There is no change for Dance Freedom.

The meetup will be updated shortly to reflect the new information for Dance Friday.

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