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What we’re about

These are  free-style dances for people who love to dance. They are, for dancers, what musical jams are for musicians. If your previous experience dancing has been mainly in night clubs, our dances might feel like swimming in the ocean after having swum only in swimming pools--finally you have space and support for creativity, natural movement, freedom!  You'll see all levels of dancers at our weekly events, moving together or separately, lifted by our DJs' creative mixes of dance styles, varied beats, continents and eras.
Both are a 501(c)(3) nonprofits dedicated to promoting dance in the community. These dances are safe places to dance creatively and make new friends. Respect for others is essential. Alcohol and smoking are prohibited.

Dance Freedom and Dance Friday meet
Online, zoom dances are held online every Wednesday and Friday night at 8:30-9:30pm all Eastern Standard time. Email for zoom link.

The Dance will meet in person at 8 Inman st. Cambridge ma.
8:30-10:30pm on Fridays July 19th (Lisa Tiemann Memorial Dance), September 13th, October 18th, November 15th, December 13th 2024.

Upcoming events (4+)

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