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Reminder, Book Study is this Thursday. . .

From: Andrea W.
Sent on: Sunday, March 17, 2013, 8:14 PM

Hi Traders,

Join me for a new weekly meetup to improve your trading!

While most of us are looking for the best trading strategy to be successful in the markets, really the most critical factor in your success, is your psychology--how you feel about yourself, the fear and greed that comes up during a trade, the doubt, confusion, anger at the market, at so forth.

This meetup will be a book study heald mostly by phone, so you can join from wherever you are. We will be studying the book, "Mindful Trading: Mastering Your Emotions and the Inner Game" by J. Rande Howell. I have found this to be the best book on trader psychology I have read. You can buy it here:

Please purchase the book and complete chapter 1 and 2 (and the Introduction) before our 2nd meeting. There will be a chance to discuss your own issues with trading as they relate to the subject matter we are reading about. I will provide some trader coaching, as appropriate. (In addition to trading the ES e-mini Futures, I am a Life/Business Coach, and part of my client base are traders struggling with these issues.)

The meetings will be limited to 12 so there will be a chance for everyone to participate. If you RSVP and can not come, please change your RSVP so another can attend. Please email me directly if you have questions about this meetup.

While I prefer that members join this for the long haul, so we have a core group of traders, for now the meetings will be open each time for new members to join. For now, the meetups will start at no cost. In the future, there maybe a small fee to attend. Those signed up with receive the dail in information prior to the call, by email. Please make sure to look for that in your mailbox.

I look forward to exploring this book with you and the insights and growth we can archive as we all work to better our trading psychology!


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