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Über uns

Digital Health has the power to engage people towards a healthier life and to connect patients and health professionals easier and faster than ever before.

We believe that a lot of entrepreneurs are driven by that vision and want to take healthcare to the next level. The current healthcare system has developed over the last century with a top-down approach... and evolved much slower than the society around it. 

Parts of the healthcare system are still siloed, fragmented and short-term solution-oriented, but luckily on a good way to change things. Health is a means to a meaningful life. 

There are multiple determinants of health and only a holistic and integrated way of addressing these determinants will help to create healthier life in a sustainable way. 

How can we tackle this? How can we support the visibility, the practicability and further development of digital health (DIGAs)?
How can we learn from each other to promote a preventative, personalised and holistic approach to health for all age groups.

In our Meetups - local and virtual - we want to discuss openly about different views, experiences and learnings.

Welcome to participate and support!