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Über uns

A people company. Driven by technology.

Today, otto.de is a platform for customers, retailers and partners. It consists largely of software. Agility and freedom of design are particularly important for innovations. This requires a special change competence that goes hand in hand with mastering the latest technologies and working methods. We implement microservices for otto.de, which we continuously develop further. We work in self-organising and cross-functional Scrum teams and with the methods of agile software development such as Test-Driven-Development (TDD), Pair-Programming or Continuous Delivery.
Join our group and participate in our meet-ups around software development, data, IT and business intelligence.

OTTO Developer-Blog: https://www.otto.de/jobs/en/technology/home/
Follow us on medium.com: https://medium.com/@otto.tech

Otto (GmbH & Co KG) https://github.com/otto-de 
Otto Group https://github.com/ottogroup/

Would you like to join our team? Then please get in touch with Michelle Knutson, HR Manager Talent Sourcing IT.