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Über uns

We are a diverse community of people interested in the use of computing skills for artistic expression. Whether you are a seasoned artist or a hobbyist, a coding wizard or a beginner, a long time fan or just curious, this group is for you! 
Our mission is to spread knowledge about computational art, build bridges with other disciplines, support each other's projects and, maybe, inspire you to start your own... :)
Our meetups are free and open to all, regardless of age, origin, gender or experience. They are an opportunity to meet likeminded people, share inspiration and get creative together in a relaxed and safe environment. Beginners and first-timers should feel especially welcome! 

Artists have used computer code to create everything from surreal landscapes and machines that sing love songs to 3D printed clothes and jarring critiques of our society
Not so long ago, pioneers like Lillian Schwartz or Vera Molnar had to learn obscure languages to talk to the machine. Today, languages and tools like Processing, OpenFrameworks or VVVV are specifically designed for artists. Some basic skills can even be learned in an hourConferences and festivals all over the world, as well as specialized websites showcase the vibrant scene of creative technology.
In case you want a quick overview, this short video from PBS is a splendid introduction.

We support the Berlin Code of Conduct.
Please make sure you agree with its content.

Our group began in 2012 as a Processing meetup, under the umbrella of OpenTechSchool. It was renamed “Creative Code Berlin” in 2013. In 2016, we opened our own meetup group to make it easier for us to organize events and for the community to follow them. Read about our past events.

Creative Code Berlin is organized by Abe Pazos, Rachel Uwa, Ramin Soleymani and Raphaël de Courville.

Questions and feedback are welcome. Please write to team.ccberlin@gmail.com or shout random words at us on Twitter: @CreativeCodeBLN

Bevorstehende Events (4+)

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