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This group is a spin-off of the Bern-based Sci-fi/Fantasy Film & Book Club Meetup group (https://www.meetup.com/Sci-Fi-Fantasy-Film-Book-Group/). Over the last one and half year of its existence some of the core members would from time to time arrange viewings of films outside of the Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre. The common thread amongst the films were that they all dealt with social, historical and political themes – hence the title of the group “Films for the Conscious”, as in aware of sociopolitical and economic issues. We felt this trend warranted that we set up a separate group, especially since this would hopefully allow us to meet some of you we otherwise wouldn’t.
Primarily the group will meet and watch films in organizers’ homes (on their big screens). The films that will be screened will be announced along with any given Meetup event and will not be subject to change. Occasionally we will also watch films in the theatres here in Bern or perhaps even visit a film festival. The aim of the group is to introduce, (re)discover and discuss high quality films which have social commentary as a central or significant theme. The Bern Meetup community is an international one, therefore films not in English will be screened with English subtitles.
Prior to the start of the film for home cinema evenings we’ll have a potluck dinner where everyone brings something (which will be coordinated to some degree in the comment sections of any particular Meetup event). For theatre outings we will usually meet at a restaurant in close proximity to the cinema for dinner (or drinks). In this case it is also possible to meet us directly at the cinema if you cannot make the pre-event.
NO SHOW POLICY: Because we have limited space (we mostly meet in our homes), we wait for all our members to show up before starting movies, and because we try to make sure there's enough food for everyone (often food which people spent time preparing), repeated no shows may be banned from the group. Everyone has the occasional emergency, and we are pretty understanding, but we ask you, if at all possible, to cancel at least 24 hours in advance if you can't make it. We look forward to meeting you!