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What Makes an Idea Jungian

Foto von Marcus
Hosted By
What Makes an Idea Jungian


“I had accustomed myself to living always on two planes simultaneously, one consciousness, which attempted to understand and could not, and one unconscious, which wanted to express something and could not formulate it any better than by a dream” - C.G. Jung

This event will be about the basic premises and threads that pop up when Jung is drawn towards a phenomenon or reaches a conclusion. Commonalities between his ideas that creates a strong footing to say that an idea is Jungian, even when that idea might not necessarily be from Jung himself. Join to find out and discuss.

See you there!

This event’s beautiful picture was provided by https://unsplash.com/@konseptastudio

Photo of C. G. Jung Helpdesk group
C. G. Jung Helpdesk
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