Über uns
WELCOME TO loob NFT & Metaverse!
We want to invite you to our regular NFT Meetups for every level.
Whether you are an NFT newcomer, enthusiast, artist, NFT buyer, seller, art actor or simply interested, we can guarantee interesting topics, people and a lot of fun!
Join now for free to discuss opportunities for you in this space.
Let's go down the rabbit hole! 🐇
NFTs are making a major impact in the digital creative sector because they allow creators to provide digital evidence of ownership, attendance, and even transference for various experiences which they deliver to their customers.
They're so adaptable that they can be used to represent a variety of different types of creative work, including virtual real estate, virtual worlds, fashion, and much more.
About Us
We at loob.io created an all-in-one solution for creative people, artists, intellectual property holders and all interested folks to provide and to create and store their content interoperably on the blockchain as easy and user friendly as buying and stuff on an e-commerce site.
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In our regular meetups we discuss and share how to get involved in NFTs / metaverse, all those high level concepts that make up the Web3 vision.
In this group we meet (in person and virtually) to discuss NFTs inside out from a buyer/seller/collector/investor perspective.
Creators also are welcome to present their existing work to group members.
The group will look at and support NFT creators from europe!
Join and participate :)
Contact us to show us your work!
Welcome to our community. It's going to be a hell of a ride.
See you at the next meetup!