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Web Frontend Co-Learning (online)

Foto von akarsh seggemu
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akarsh s. und 2 weitere
Web Frontend Co-Learning (online)


COVID-19 update: We are moving all our Co-Learnings online for the time being. Also with everything up and a shortage of organizers (talk to us if you want to help!) we moved to a BI-WEEKLY SCHEDULE.

Please sign up to our Slack (https://join.slack.com/t/opentechschool/shared_invite/zt-2gtwua0rl-Af~5pn0fDuO00WvBHdOEEA) and find this meetup in the #bln-frontend-colearning channel. We are using a combination of video calls and typing in the chat.

This is all about building things in the browser. Mostly HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We are a friendly group, offering a space to learn together and work on our projects. There's always someone around that is happy to help you or would love to get some help. No matter if you are an absolute beginner or an experienced expert, we want to learn from each other.

If you don't have a project to work on or don't know where to start it's also a good idea to do some online classes or tutorials. We're here to help with that, too. For example check out some of our OpenTechSchool workshop material:

JavaScript for Beginners: https://opentechschool.github.io/js-beginners-1/
Intro to HTML/CSS: https://cssclass.es/materials/

Our code of conduct applies: https://www.opentechschool.org/code-of-conduct/

Photo of OpenTechSchool Berlin group
OpenTechSchool Berlin
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