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NLP and Hypnosis For Success

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NLP and Hypnosis For Success


Wer wir sind

My approach is to offer a space where each of you can find value and growth, whether as a beginner or an experienced professional or an entrepreneur or even just curious about how your mind works. I envision our group as a place where learning is not just about absorbing information but about building community, networking and pursuing excellence and success. With a lot of practical exercises that work in the real world.

This is where we talk about everything and anything from NLP, hypnosis and energy work, all the way to evolutionary psychology, how your mind works and how to get your mind working for you, so you take action, get past obstacles and achieve the success in life that you truly deserve!

Who is ready to change your life, now?

Foto von Robert M. Chase
Robert M. Chase

NLP and Hypnosis For Success Administrator


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