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Source Talks

Source Talks

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Source Talks

Source Talks


Wer wir sind

Source Talks is a global platform that brings together experts and leading professionals to discuss the challenges and changes they face across their organizations. Through meet-ups and media series, we explore technology and talent attraction. Our mission is to create value for our customers and community (no matter what).

Founded in 2020, we’re a Source Group International platform operating globally.

We focus on three main chapters:

  • Technology Talks
  • People Talks
  • Future Talks

We’re building a global community of people all on the same journey.

The overall aim is to solve problems together. If you are interested in talking at any of our events or media series, hosting an event, or chatting, get in touch with one of our community champions!

Foto von Source Group International
Source Group International

Source Talks Administrator

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