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Über uns

Sutton Speakeasy is part of Toastmasters International - an educational organization that operates clubs worldwide helping people to develop communication, public speaking, and leadership skills.
Come along to Sutton Speakeasy meetings and find out how we can help you to improve your confidence, public speaking and leadership skills. We learn by practicing speeches in a friendly and supportive environment. At every meeting you will have an opportunity to learn and speak.
The meeting includes prepared speeches, evaluations and impromptu speaking slots. Every speaker in the meeting gets evaluated by another Toastmaster. You will receive empowering and positive feedback in the form of commendations and recommendations. If you join as a club member, you will be enrolled on a Toastmasters core education program, which is interactive and flexible program. At the end of this Pathway learning program you will become a confident public speaker.
Many of us started out a little unsure about public speaking, but now we all enjoy it very much as our confidence grows meeting by meeting. Sutton Speakeasy really is the best way to overcome those public speaking nerves.
Whether it is for work, a special occasion or just because you want to get better at those most rewarding skills you'll ever learn in your life, come along and see what we do. It's a great place to learn and improve by preparing and practicing in a very supportive environment.

Bevorstehende Events (4+)

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