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Über uns

Join us on Slack: https://wwgberlin.herokuapp.com/ 

Follow us on Twitter: @WWGBerlin

Go (also known as Golang) is a great programming language to learn and develop in. We built this meetup to offer a better entry point to women who are interested in Go. We also want to provide a space for networking, learning and finding mentors. This group shall bring us together so we can continue to grow in Go.

You can become a WWG mentee if:

1. You identify as female, publicly or privately 

2. You have some interest in Go

Supporters of Women Who Go are welcome to join, especially as mentors. For the Go Study Groups, the mentee/learners spots will be given to women.

Feel free to check out our learning resources: https://github.com/wwgberlin/GoStudyGroup 
Feel free to contribute to our resources by adding Go Tutorials to it!

For companies who want to host and sponsor Women Who Go Berlin: Please send us a msg through meetup or Twitter: @WWGBerlin