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Tuesday Morning Meetup

From: John S.
Gesendet am: Montag, 18. Oktober 2010, 11:04

In response to a queastion about our annoucment about the formation of an entreprenuers association I have written the following

I guess I had better fill you in so that you can better understand.
A number of us have been meeting every Tuesday morning for about a year now. We as a group are a part of the Entrepreneurs meet-up group and plan to remain that way.
I was selfish when I started this group. I was looking for a group of people that I could meet with regularly who had experienced the same trials and tribulations of being an entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely journey at times. The evening drinks/dinners/networking events and the internet groups could not offer what I needed most which is human contact in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere.
Our meetings are informal with a very simple format. Short introductions in the beginning followed by individual discussions. Sometimes our introductions are followed by discussions of topics of interest at the time.
In addition, we are hoping that this association will provide some of the services that the chambers of commerce provide but at an affordable cost of around 25 francs per year. Many entrepreneurs starting out can not afford the steep fees that are often asked for.
As indicated by the name, we are planning that it will be international. Where there can be chapters in other cities around the world. So in regard to your offer to us being a sub group of your group, it could be the other way around.
We have some very dedicated and committed members. They need to be, to be coming to the meeting at 8 am in the morning. We actually have had members come from outside of the Zurich area so you can imagine what time they are up in the morning and the commitment. This is what being an entrepreneur is all about. It can be tough, hard and even discouraging at times. Meeting with others who experience the same is what is needed. It has been an honor to be a part of this group and I have developed some very good relationships as a result.
These are tough times and many people sometimes have no other alternative but to start up something on their own. These are tough times for entrepreneurs and we need to support ourselves in our entrepreneurial journeys.

You are welcome to come along to a meeting any time


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