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Neues Meetup: Start SeasonSkiing the Matterhorn glacier paradise at 3883 meters in Zermatt

From: John Peter Mary Wubbe ZeZ c.
Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 1. September 2010, 13:16
Ank?ndigung eines neuen Meetups f?r Zurich Hike & Outdoor!

Was: Start SeasonSkiing the Matterhorn glacier paradise at 3883 meters in Zermatt

Wann: Freitag, 22. Oktober[masked]:00

Preis: Sfr pro Person 78 .2= 156 for lift and cablecar, 100.2 for sleeping accomodation. plsus minus Sfr 356

Wo: Z?rich HB
in front of Ticket counter, underneath Niki de Saint Phalle's angel (a.k.a. big weird-looking angel) hanging from the ceiling

As every year my Winter season starts early biggrin. So invite you to go to Zermatt on Friday evening and have two days of skiing Durichg the weekend on the professional sloves the matterhorn glacier paradies at 3883 meters above sea level.
cost are 78 franks a day for the cablebahn and other lifts
the hotel for two nights to be defined with the partisipants.
restricted on 20
cu soon John

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