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New Meetup: Kunkelspass

From: Sven
Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 9. September 2010, 14:07
Announcing a new Meetup for Zurich Hike & Outdoor!

What: Kunkelspass

When: Sunday, September 12,[masked]:45 AM

Where: Z?rich HB
in front of Ticket counter, underneath Niki de Saint Phalle's angel (a.k.a. big weird-looking angel) hanging from the ceiling

Hi to all,

This time, the road takes us to Kunkelspass...what a funny name. Lets see if it is funny to walk on.
I found this hike on this website here.

The feature are very decent: duration 4.5 hrs. Up: 400 and down: 700m. Manageable for intermediate hikers and those beginners confident enough to make it.

The train schedule is as follows:

Z?rich HB ab 09:12
Bad Ragaz an 10:26

Bad Ragaz ab 10:35
V?ttis, Post an 11:12
Duration: 2:00

The temptative return:

Reichenau-Tamins ab 17:53
Chur an 18:03 10
Chur ab 18:09 9
Z?rich HB an 19:23

If you miss us on the meeting point, please go directly to the train and catch us there. If you don't find us, give me a call - please don't sent SMS "W r u?" as I am very slow in typing back a whole explanation on where we are - a call is quicker.

To bring along:
- Water (min. 1 Liter)
- Food (Cookies, Snacks, Sandwiches, Grilled Chicken, etc)
- Sun and Rain protection (creme, glasses, jackets)
- Extra clothes (for after the hike)
- Steady shoes (sneakers - or in UK english "trainers", are on your own judgement)

Just to have a good size of a group, I limit the people to 30. If you want to come anyway, please call me.

I will buy Group tickets, hence, when signing up, please let me know if you want to be included and if you have a Halbtax, GA, or "none". It is usually a good idea to be in the groupticket as everyone gets 20% discount plus a reserved seat on train, but it can only consider those that stick with the group from and back to Z?rich). Note that those with GA adds to the number of the group to meet the minimum required number to be a group.

I hold the right to cancel the trip due to weather or illness reasons. I'll do my best to let you know as soon as possible. Please look into the website and email for any changes before you head to the meeting point, or at least the night before the event.

Disclaimer: the hike is on your own risk and judgement. The organizer holds no responsibility on any injuries or death that might result directly or indirectly from this event. The organizer does not warrant on the accuracy of the description of the hike. It is your responsibility to assess your condition for this hike. If you are unsure of the hike, make a research on the website. By agreeing to come to this hike, you automatically accept the terms explained above.

Ok, that said, lets go out into the Swiss Alps and enjoy the mountains!

Hope to see you then!


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