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New Meetup: Erstfeld-Wassen

From: Patrick
Gesendet am: Sonntag, 12. September 2010, 08:37
Announcing a new Meetup for Zurich Hike & Outdoor!

What: Erstfeld-Wassen

When: Sunday, October 3,[masked]:45 AM

Where: Z?rich HB
in front of Ticket counter, underneath Niki de Saint Phalle's angel (a.k.a. big weird-looking angel) hanging from the ceiling

Dear All,

I suggest to do a hike from Erstfeld to Wassen. I have been told that this hike contains many churches, chapels and medieval tower houses. The hike is not complicated- 18 kilometer long- estimated time planned is 5h45 min. This hike is part of the ViaGotardo- cultural trail of Switzerland.

I suggest to take the train at 8.09 in Zurich, arrive in arth goldau at 8.46 am- depart arth-goldau at 8.52 am and arrive in erstfeld in 9.23 am. The idea would be to take a train back from wassen at 15.53 or 16.53 arriving in zurich at 17.49 or 18.49 respectively.

Since this is not a mountain trail there are no mountain huts on the way, but we will come across some restaurants in the valley and suggest to go for lunch in one of them between 12.30 and 1pm.

To bring along:

* good shoes
* suncream
* protective raingear (whether can change anytime)
* water
* picknick (if you are not planning to eat at restaurant)
* snacks
* smile

Looking forward to meet you,

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