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Re: [hiking-287] New Meetup: Sunny Days on Sonniggraetli

From: dan_k
Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2009, 18:20
great SVen

--- On Thu, 5/28/09, Sven <[address removed]> wrote:

From: Sven <[address removed]>
Subject: [hiking-287] New Meetup: Sunny Days on Sonniggraetli
To: [address removed]
Date: Thursday, May 28, 2009, 9:14 AM

Announcing a new Meetup for Zurich Hike & Outdoor!

What: Sunny Days on Sonniggraetli

When: June 7,[masked]:45 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Hi everyone,

Book your calendar for this day for another hike! Sonniggraetli is on the list. I have done this hike once, which was really beautiful with a great view into the valley.

It is also time that we start increasing slowly our required physical condition... of course, without exaggerating (food and drink on a top is a must, no?).

Walking time is about 4:20 hrs. with an altitude gain of 740m (up and down). This hike is considered T2 (sportive Hiking - a range from T1 to T4, being T4 the most difficult terrain). The best thing is that there is a restaurant up on the top, where we can sit down and have a nice beverage :)

The schedule will be as followed:

Details - Verbindung 2

Z?rich HB ab 09:09 5
Arth-Goldau an 09:47 3
Arth-Goldau ab 09:52 5
Erstfeld an 10:23 1
Erstfeld, Bahnhof ab 10:28 BUS 40 Bus
Intschi, Seilbahn an 10:42

Duration: 1: 33 hrs.

We will meet at 08:50 in Z?rich HB under the angel. If you are running late, catch us on the train. Call me if you need any help to find us.

To bring along:

- Sun/Wind/Rain Protection
- Food and Water (1 liter min)
- Good Hiking shoes
- Hiking Poles recommended
- Good spirit

As I will buy a Groupticket for the first 25 people who sign up with "YES", please provide me with the following information (you can write as a comment when you sign up with "yes")

- Are you starting from Z?rich HB? (Groupticket is only valid from this station)
- What Discount Card do you have: GA, Halbtax, or None? (include also if you bring along your dog).

Also, if possible, bring along CHf 11.- exact change to pay for the Seilbahn Intschi-Arnisee. I will collect this money on the train.

Please, for those that initially signed up with "YES" and change their minds, please adjust this on the meetup website, as this is the only way I can know how many tickets I should buy and who will get the group tickets.

Important: In case of bad weather or any other stronger force, I will keep the right to cancel/change the trip. Please check the status once in a while, specially the night before the event after 8pm.

Best wishes,


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