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New Meetup: Jura Ridgeway Stage 10 Noiraigue - Sainte Croix (This is a long hike!)

From: Jemma
Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2009, 13:35
Announcing a new Meetup for Zurich Hike & Outdoor!

What: Jura Ridgeway Stage 10 Noiraigue - Sainte Croix (This is a long hike!)

When: June 6,[masked]:45 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: At 32km and around 10 hours, this hike is a very long day, there are options to finish the hike earlier at around 18km, however the buses may be infrequent!

Hike Info
Start - Noiraigue 09:00am
Finish - Sainte Croix 19:30
Distance - 32km
Total walking time -Approx 10 hours
Ascent - approx 1,700m
Descent - approx 1,400m

Brief Description
Day 10 of the Jura Ridgeway. From Noiraigue we begin the steep 750m ascent up towards the Creux du Van which is a spectacular natural horseshoe shaped cliff. After a quick pause to catch our breath, admire the views and take photos, we continue along with a gradual descent of 200m down through grassy meadows passing the small restaurants at La Baronne and Les Rochats and towards La Combaz. There is a bus stop here for anyone who wants to cut the hike short at 18km but you will need to check the times as buses here are infrequent. From La Combaz we continue along through the trees towards La Cruchaude. At La Cruchaude we start the second ascent of the day of around 400m up to Le Chasseron (the highest point of the ridgeway so far) with panaromas of almost 360 degrees. From the top of Le Chasseron, we then begin the 600m descent down to Sainte Croix. For those who do not plan on stopping overnight there are trains from Sainte Croix back to Zurich via Yverdon les Bains.

More Info here

Link to stage 10 part one

Link to stage 10 part two

Further info on the stage

Map of stage 10

Travel Info
The train schedule is as follows:

Depart: Z?rich HB 07:04am - ICN 1510
Arrive: Neuchatel 08:32am

Depart Neuchatel 08:40am R 4808
Arrive Noiraigue 09:01am

Travel time: 2 hours
Please note that we will meet in Zurich HB under the big colourful angel at 6:45am. If you are running late and miss us, please go directly to the train and try to find us. If your coming from elsewhere, you can also meet us on the train or at Neuchatel at 08:35am. Those who are planning on doing this please let me know so we are not waiting for you in Zurich. For any further information, or for any late comers on the day please don't hesitate to call me at[masked].

A day pass is probably the cheapest option as the journeys are now getting longer and more complex and therefore more expensive!

For those with a halftax card
With a 1-day travelpass valid from 9.00 a.m. for Half-Fare travelcard holders, you can travel at will as of 9.00 a.m. on Mondays to Fridays and with no early-morning restriction on Saturdays, Sundays and nationwide public holidays.

For 2nd class, this costs 54CHF with a half tax card. You can also buy a multipack set 6 for the price of 5.

For those who do not have a half tax card
For second class a day pass is 64CHF and a multipack of 6 is 320CHF

Info about day card

Hotel Info

I am thinking of stopping over in Sainte Croix as the hike will continue from there on Sunday morning. If I do decide to stay over, I will post details here of the hotel I plan on stopping at by Thursday night at the latest.

Anyone who plans on stopping overnight with me is responsible for booking their own accommodation

Recommended to bring along:
- sun/wind/rain protection (wind jacket,sun cream, glasses, hat etc)
- hiking boots recommended
- lunch (sandwich, chocolate etc.)
- water (at least 1 litre )
- basic first aid kit (I will be carrying one but it is always useful to have extra)
- maps of the area are also useful to bring if you have them
- camera
- a cheerful disposition and plenty of enthusiasm!

Disclaimer and small print

I reserve the right to cancel the hike at anytime if weather conditions or any other factors that may affect the safety of the group arise:

- be it before the event
- on the day of the event before the agreed start time
- or during the hike itself

In the event of a cancellation I will try to give as much notice as I can but please check the site the morning of the hike BEFORE you leave home. Weather conditions can change quickly and the decision to cancel may be sudden.

Everyone who takes part in the hike does so at their own risk

Each participant is responsible to ensure they have adequate health insurance and any other insurances that may be required

Whilst all care will be taken to keep the group together it may at times become necessary to split up due to pace, safety, or if someone needs to retire from the hike due to medical reasons.

OK so thats all the information, lets get hiking! I look forward to seeing you for day 10.


Learn more here: