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Two Ideas for[masked]

From: Kendara L.
Sent on: Saturday, December 15, 2012, 9:44 PM

Hi Everyone-

Several of you have contacted me wondering about ways to celebrate[masked], which is the date the Mayan Calendar ends, ushering in a new period of Optimism, Unity and Transformation.


Here are two possibilities to choose from.

At the First Spiritual Science Church as 6pm: The Lemurian Choir 24
DNA activator codes. - to be sung with the gathering in Maui.
. We will also be intentionally connecting with all lightworkers the
world over who are working for planetary upliftment during this most
auspicious time. There is not cost, but a love offering is

There will be a potluck afterwards

Please RSVP to Aurelia Taylor if you are bringing a dish and staying
after. [address removed], or call [masked]

Also at the Metaphysical Research Society , Metaphysical Research
Society, 1001 E 7th Avenue (NE corner of 7th and Ogden). Join us for
the Galactic Alignment Celebration,

Celebration of a Lifetime, as we move out of the dark and into the
light of

a New Golden Age of Enlightenment for all mankind. Our sacred space
has been anchored in the incoming light of the Golden Age for many

Our energy is crystal clear with thelush vibration of a new beginning.

Our doors will open at 6pm. The Celebration of a Lifetime!!!

will begin at 7pm. Before and after the celebration readers will be

for $1 per minute. Get some insight into your place in New Age.