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Meeting next week and an open SEM position

From: Dave C.
Sent on: Saturday, January 10, 2009, 11:07 AM

Hope 2009 has started out well for you.

We are having our first meeting of the year next Thursday at 3. Hope you see you there.

Also, Ivy Hastings at Fusionbox has an opening for an SEM person. Below is the job description and contact info. If you're interested in this or know someone who'd be good for the job, get in touch with Ivy.

Dave Carlson


Fusionbox, Inc. is seeking a tech-savvy search engine marketer to contribute to the Fusionbox SEO team. The ideal candidate will have a well-rounded SEM skill set, including ample experience with search-engine-friendly copywriting, link building, and a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS to help optimize clients' websites to be indexed and well ranked by search engines. An understanding of usability principles, paid-search, and/or social media marketing is also a plus, however, the position will focus primarily on organic search. Experience with web analytics is a must.

We are looking for someone who is a strong writer and a major web geek. You love online tools, social media and new search engine marketing trends and you want to use this knowledge to help clients. People skills are essential to this position. Our approach with our clients is highly collaborative. You need to be comfortable talking to clients, but more importantly be passionate about caring for and educating our clients. We need a motivated self-starter who is comfortable working with little to no direction. The position requires someone who can easily shift gears and manage deadlines.

As a leading full-service Denver interactive agency, Fusionbox is an exciting and dynamic place. Employees work in a team-based environment and create exceptional results for clients using their unique talents and the latest technologies. We're proud to have worked with industry-leading companies, renowned universities, religious institutions, ambitious startups, and even Denver non-profits. And we manage to have fun doing it. So if you're a talented, curious person with a sense of humor and a drive to succeed through innovation and creative collaboration, you'll fit right in.

SEO, SEM, Search engine optimization, Search engine marketing, Internet marketing, copywriting

Send resume and writing samples to: info (at) fusionbox dot com

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