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new "Churches" page - please post events going on in your area

From: Jeff K.
Sent on: Monday, March 19, 2012, 8:47 AM

Hey fellow Worshipers...

Some of you have mentioned that the current meetups are too far. I can fully understand that, but at the same time I would encourage you to please post some events going on in your area so that all can participate...worship groups, Bible studies, small group fellowshipsconcerts, church services, etc.


I also wanted you to be aware that I posted a new "Churches" page to this website which will list Communities of Faith including churches, house churches, and Bible studies that can be used as a resource for anyone who is not currently plugged in to a church or small group.

Please suggest any good churches or small groups we could add to the list (just send us the info using meetup). And then we encourage you to use this page a resource if you aren't currently plugged in to a church or small group.


In Christ,


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