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International Baby Wearing Week

From: Christopher V.
Sent on: Monday, October 6, 2014, 9:46 AM

1. MeetUp Event: As some of you may know, this week is International Babywearing Week (IBW) (Oct 5  - 11)  -  a focused opportunity to celebrate, promote, and advocate the many benefits of Babywearing and bonding with your baby.  To celebrate IBW, Denver Dads Group will be meeting at INK Coffee near the Riverfront Park on Thursday, Oct 9th with our babies in carriers to traverse the elevated park together as a “pack.”  Even though this is a sponsored event by Britax (and a few dads are receiving free Baby Carriers), the ultimate goal is getting dads together for an invigorating meet-up that involves a fall babywearing walk with some other cool, active, and nurturing dads. Consequently, regardless of what baby carrier you may own, we hope more of you will grab your baby and carrier, and please plan to join us for this awesome event!  Additionally, you'll be a part of our national, multi-city, event with over 100 City Dads Group members in thirteen metro-cities gathering, walking, or hiking in Atlanta, Boston, Philly, LA, Vegas, New York, Indy, ABQ, Columbus, Chicago, Dallas, and San Francisco.  Go to the meet up and RSVP.  It will put you on the waitlist, but that is only for the Britax carriers.  We'd love to have as many people come down and baby wear as possible.  (I'll even bring some of mine if you'd like to try them!)


2. Babywearing photo-sharing campaign: This opportunity is for both those attending the events AND those who cannot.  If you can't make the meetup this week, help us ONLINE to share and spread the fun message about baby bonding during International Babywearing Week.  We're asking all of our dads group members to email us a photo of you with your little ones in a Baby Carrier (it doesn't have to be current pic, and throwbacks are welcome. You're not limited to just one either.) that we can post to our FaceBook and Instagram Page throughout the week.Please send photos directly to our social media manager, Ron Mattocks: [address removed]
· Photos should include the group member’s name, city, and their Twitter and Instagram handle if they have one and want it mentioned · Photos can be sent starting NOW and up to the 10th (the earlier the better would be most helpful).

Looking forward to seeing you all Thursday!



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