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Re: [kayaking-252] Thanks for the help at Red Bull

From: Steve W.
Sent on: Monday, September 23, 2013, 10:23 PM
Till Friday night we didn't even know where we were to set up. Every time we made a plan things changed. At least we didn't choose to set up where SUP's did, did you see he got pushed into the water by the crowd. That's where they wanted us to set up but I knew the side walk was to narrow. The big as sign probably saved the day or no one would have known we were there. We talking about a central ticket station next year as we all charged the same price per seat.
Steve Walls
Discover Kayak

From: Teresa <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Monday, September 23,[masked]:58 PM
Subject: Re: [kayaking-252] Thanks for the help at Red Bull

Dear Steve and Dave,
Now that we know what you are up against, we can come up with a better system for next year.  I know this is a difficult event, but the possibilities for getting people into kayaking (and aware of the lesson possibilities) are invaluable.  I can see many ways we can improve and streamline things so that it is not so difficult next time.

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 11:51 AM, Steve Walls <[address removed]> wrote:
Wow, that was a mess! The event was a lot of fun but behind the scenes was controlled kaos, and at times not so  controlled.
I want to thank the volunteers who put in a long very tough day and made it possible to get boats on the water safely. The Red Bull and city organizers were very impressed with our performance as was I.
I can't thank you enough, you made Discover Kayak look great. (by the way, i got home at midnight last night after getting the last boats out and the sign down. What a marathon.)
Steve and David Walls
Discover Kayak

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