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Meet Once Or Twice A Month?

From: Flynn
Sent on: Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 8:32 AM
Good Morning, All:

At last Sunday's D&D Meetup, someone made the suggestion that we consider meeting twice a month instead of once a month. To find out what people think about that subject, I have create a poll to gather your thoughts. If you could, please visit the poll and choose one of the options so that I can get an idea of whether we should schedule a second Meetup each month. You can find the poll here:

If we do have a second Meetup each month, I thought it would be best to schedule one on a Saturday and one on a Sunday, to give people an opportunity to attend at least one a month, in the event that they normally game on one of those two days on a weekly basis.

If you have any specific thoughts or commentary, please feel free to post it here so that we can all share in the discussion.

With Regards,

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