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DWS - Thanks for coming to the little Anniversary Event. Now for the Mardi Gras this Tuesday by Randy of No Flakes...

From: Member ID: #.
Sent on: Monday, February 23, 2009, 1:02 AM
Dear Strangers,

Besides the little set backs which are typical of using a venue for the first time, last night was a great party, I had a blast, and from your wonderful reviews I see many of you did as well. I will be posting my camera's pictures soon and as John Posts his professional pictures I'll send out another email with his link.

Kudos and thanks go to the many volunteers who helped put this event together; Nams for suffering through creating the 500 cards, cutting, sorting and handing them out, Vivi and Nams for making the fun signs you saw hanging around the venue, Lloyd and his big kid, Carlos and Marco for activating the wristbands and handing them out at the door, poor sick Chris K. (Dive bar Adventures) for thinking up the mixer games/glow sticks and our DJ Ian Forrester, and Jo and the crew at Monsoon.

Next, if your available, and you'd like to attend, Randy is throwing a Mardi Gras Party at Club 705 in Hermosa Beach this Tuesday 2/24 - I'll be there, will you?

Only 73 Spots Left - Act Quick.

Click on the link below to sign up and join the party:

Thanks again,

Drinking with Strangers

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