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Reminder about RSVPing for April 2012 Classic Book Discussion

From: Anthony
Sent on: Sunday, April 1, 2012, 9:50 AM

Hi, everyone. :-)

This Wednesday, we will have our classic book meeting to discuss A Death in the Family by James Agee. I'm sure many of you are excited to attend, so much that the RSVP list has gotten full and that at least five people have asked about how to sign up when the list is full (as there is no waiting list).

A few days ago, you should have gotten an e-mail reminder about the meeting. I would like to remind everyone that if you have RSVPed but now know you will not attend, please change your RSVP to No so that you can open up a spot for someone who is interested in attending. In addition, given the level of interest in this meeting, I would also like to recommend that if you have not finished reading the book (as this meeting was already announced a few months in advance), please consider giving your spot to someone who has indeed finished reading the book. Normally, I am OK with people attending if they have read the book partially, because the number of people who show up isn't quite close to 30. This time, however, I feel that a few requirements would be helpful.

Again, RSVP Yes only if you know you are coming to the meeting and that you have finished the book. Hopefully, this will allow everyone who will indeed attend a spot in the meeting. (If you come without RSVPing, whether you'll stay or not will depend on how many people who do RSVP show up.)

Thank you. I'm sorry for having to be a little more strict this time, but hopefully, things will work out. :-)

Anthony Lee
Organizer, East Bay Book Club

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