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Reminder and INVITE Camping / Potluck Less than 1 week

From: Keith
Sent on: Saturday, August 12, 2017, 11:48 PM

Happy Sunday!!!  This is a reminder and INVITE if you would like to come to the 9TH Annual singles BBQ picnic, potluck, camp-out weekend is LESS than a week away that is right NEXT FRIDAY THRU SUNDAY and SATURDAY IS THE POTLUCK EVENT

Please make sure you have updated your RSVPs for the event.  Feel free to invite/bring your single friends with you or maybe even invite other singles you may be interested in meeting. The more the merrier. There are around 200 singles already signed up to attend. We are going to have a blast! Please Bring Cash to the event. We are planning to do some Game and Card tournaments if we get enough interest have a yard game you like to play bring it out..   
Details  Hidden River Ranch  35227 Mann Road  Sultan, WA 98294-Friday Aug 18th- 1pm thru Sunday Aug 20th 6 pm -
------------------------- EVENT INFORMATION --------------------

9TH Annual “Hidden River Ranch” Picnic & Camp-Out Weekend

Potluck Style Picnic bring food and drink to share)Bring CASH

Where: Hidden River Ranch-35227 Mann Road, Sultan, WA Some activities - Games, Hiking, Swimming at the River, Socializing, Nightly Bonfire, out door games. making new friends, horseback riding,We have ages 21 to 70 that come to this event . (BRING SOME OUT DOOR GAMES TO SHARE AND PLAY WITH OTHERS) Dont forget to bring food and Drinks to share for Saturday..



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