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What we’re about

Are you a FIERCE WOMAN 50 and over?

New to the New Orleans area or just looking to expand your circle of friends?

Enjoy adventure, meeting new people and going new places?

Know the deep value of female friendship?


Let's form new bonds with other women who are over 50 and FIERCE and live in the Greater New Orleans area! Let’s create a truly vibrant community of women.

We will do everything from impromptu happy hours to fine dining; day trips to weekend getaways; walks, festivals, museums, volunteering, to killing time in the Quarter. We want this group to reflect each of you and the things you love about this city.

In order to keep our group vibrant:
• We try to plan a variety of events that reflect the interests of our members. We hope that that's what inspired you to join. There are many long-lasting friendships that have developed from our group and that's what we hope will happen with you, as well. The Event Host and other organizers are always listed on the individual event and will greet you when you come to events.

• WE NEED YOUR HELP AND INPUT!!! If there is someplace you're dying to go to and want company, or have heard about some event coming up - let us know!  We'll get it posted.

We also encourage members to be "event-hosts" - please consider that as it's a great way to plan something specific to your interests and meet new people.  Every member can post, but if you're a little hesitant, please reach out to one of us and we'll help you set it up so that it has time and place and clear instructions.

• In order to make sure that all those in the group are active participants, we are asking that if you have RSVP’d YES to an event and find you cannot make it, please change your RSVP as soon as you can. Sometimes, there is a wait list and the no-shows prevent the wait list from advancing.

Guest policy: All events are women only since the purpose of the group is to build friendships among women in the area. Any events that allow guests, the guest should be female.

• All members are required to pay $10 annually. There is a 30-day trial period. You can pay your dues right here on the MeetUp App.

• The group will not accept members without a photo. We need to see who you are! If you're an infrequent attendee, we want to make sure that we can spot you when you are there. The organizers will add their cell phone to the event so you can track us - but sometimes we forget!

Hope to see you soon!